It is my garage!!
Why is it so intriguing? Well, some of you all may have garages like mine – it is full of boxes and other stuff that look like a lot of fun to explore, not to mention tons of scents to sniff! It is especially true when dad's car is in there, oh..boy.... You know what I am talking about! Our trash bin is also in the garage (it is not stinky or anything like that for mom and dad, but for me, it smells wonderfully challenging. You know my nose is way better than mom's and dad's. I'm a hunting canine after all). So, you can imagine why my garage is so fun and intriguing to me. Each time I manage to go in there, the scents are never the same !!!

What is the problem, then? Here is the thing -- Mom and dad do not let me go into the garage as often as I prefer (which I don’t know why.. or maybe I do know why?)....When I manage to run into the garage, mom always calls me and tries to get me back into the house. Do you think I would run back to the house as she calls? If I would, that wouldn't be the real me, an adventurous Dachshund named Perry... :) It is not at all often that I manage to sneak through the open door to the garage, so, when I'm in there, why would I come running back to the house that easily? No way!! Even treats fail to lure me into the house (surprise, huh!!).... Therefore, when I manage to be in the garage, mom has to sweat a little, trying to catch me and get me back into the house (the good thing is mom never gets mad at me for making her sweat) -- I am a good runner despite my short chubby legs but I am also a good boy -- I won't let mom run around for long to catch me.... After a few sweats (on mom's side), I return to the house willingly (I told you I am a good boy!).

Occasionally, mom seems to get tired of calling/catching me. When I refuse to get back into the house, she lets me stay in the garage as long as I please and leaves the door open for me to come in when I'm done in the garage. Well, I feel bad about that (I am a good boy, remember?), so decide not to spend much time in the garage (even if I could).... I get back into the house after a few moments. I don't want mom to get disappointed in me. I am a good boy after all....
So far, I have not got to explore and sniff all the boxes in the garage - yet. It will take many trips to the garage to explore all those boxes and other stuff, but I am sure I will sniff them all someday....
So far, I have not got to explore and sniff all the boxes in the garage - yet. It will take many trips to the garage to explore all those boxes and other stuff, but I am sure I will sniff them all someday....

(Mom might be calling me right now, but my hearing was selective for the time being.
I didn't hear a thing!!)

Well, it is not only my garage that is intriguing to me, but it is in fact any garages (I think garages are my fetish, you all).... When I am out walking with mom and dad in our neighborhood, if any of our neighbors' garage door is open, I will run straight to it, aiming to see what is in there and then explore and sniff. Nope, I never get successful in doing that. Do you think my mom and dad would let me???? I actually never make it pass the first few feet of the driveway!
So, just a warning to you all -- Do not leave your garage door open. If I happen to walk by your house and your garage door is open, I would surely stop by and explore your garage! Despite mom and dad holding my leash, I hope I will be successful someday -- just one sniff would be considered a success!! Your garage would surely smell different than mine!!!
I might show up in your driveway someday, so keep your garage clean, you all !!