Today is my four month anniversary... Yes, you all, I have been with mom and dad for 4 full months. It doesn't sound like a long long time, but it seems to me like forever (in a good way, of course) !!!
No, we don't have an anniversary celebration or anything extra special. My everyday with mom and dad is already special because of their love for me. Falling asleep on mom's chest or on dad's belly while they are watching TV in the evening is an everyday special. Lying in the sofa for mom to give me the whole body massage using a furminator is also special (and I really enjoy mom's massage. She is so good. Dad enjoys it, too)....

I know dad loves me a lot even though he sometimes seems annoyed by my barking, whining, and stubbornness. He complains, but he also buys me stuff (e.g., treats, toys, accessories <<--that's a fancy word, you all) every time we go to a pet store. He knows I look forward to him coming home from work every day and also love hanging out with him. :) He can't resist my jumping up and down out of my excitement when he gets home from work.
I am just mom and dad's the most favorite boy !!!!!!

And I know mom loves me to death. Everything about me melts her (no, my mom is not a candle. I just know that this is what she usually feels about me). She hardly gets mad at me no matter how bad I behave (not often, you all. Remember, I am a good boy).
Am I a lucky Dachshund or what????
Anyway, Happy 4 month Anniversary to our family. I love you mom, and I love you, dad.
Happy Weekend to you all, too.